The surreal experiences of Yellow Dove in his bunker within the world of Hour Blue.

A journey through the thoughts of people on a London Underground platform.

A seafarer sings the story of how he, as a young man, left Falmouth looking for a new life on the High Seas. During his voyage, he recounts how the moon began to follow him, watching his every move. After months at sea, the ship arrives at a tropical island where the moon leads him to his first true love waiting on the beach. But the moon becomes envious of their love, driving them apart, and forces the young man, heartbroken and alone, back to Falmouth.

This is the story of a meeting between an astonishing robot from outer space and an adorable little bird just hatched from its egg.

A boy sees from the window of his apartment a child playing alone with a ball every day.

Linh is a Vietnamese mother who lives with her son in America. When her father visits and insists on cooking a traditional Vietnamese meal, Linh is confronted with the past and culture she left behind.

A shoal of herrings, adopting fantastic formations, roams the vast ocean. When seagulls suddenly attack, one small herring finds itself stranded in a tidal pool. As it searches desperately for a way out, it discovers many other sea creatures here. And now there is no time for fear: only by joining forces can they hope to defend themselves against the hungry seagull.

One day, out of nowhere, a giant Rock lays in the middle of the peaceful little village where Luce lives. The villagers can’t even open the door to their houses anymore! Luce is angry: go away Rock, you don’t belong here! And why are you here anyway?

A young boy named Sonny works in an underground coal mine with the adults, taking care of the canary that detects deadly methane gas. He teaches the bird to play dead to prank the men, risking their lives for a moment in the sunlight above.

As a little girl in Vietnam, Thao’s mother would rescue ants from bowls of sugar water. The tiny creatures would later return the favour, leading her desperate family through darkness—and pointing the way to safety. With Boat People, illustrator and author Thao Lam undertakes a creative rescue mission of her own, joining forces with animator Kjell Boersma to recount her family’s dramatic trajectory across the turbulent waters of history—they were among over 1.6 million refugees who fled the chaotic aftermath of the Vietnam War, venturing across the South China Sea in precarious open boats.

The Coronado Island Film Festival (CIFF) welcomes makers and lovers of film from all over the world to the storied seaside village of Coronado, California to celebrate the magical art of visual storytelling. Coronado’s enduring love affair with Hollywood began more than a century ago.

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