This narrative revolves around an amateur drug trade orchestrated by three students – Tyler, Ethan, and Noah. The precarious balance they maintain is shattered when a fellow student, Jacob, overdoses on Xanax during a class. Panic ensues, and the trio is embroiled in a complex web of guilt and fear. In an out-of-order High School bathroom, Tyler, the ring leader, bullies Ethan, who is thought to be his best friend, into formulating a poorly constructed plan by pinning it on those who don’t deserve it. When he realizes the plan isn’t good enough, Tyler attempts to escape town. Ethan, Noah, and the others involved are stranded with nothing to do but accept their fate. In an attempt to sway Tyler, Ethan pleads with him at his house and is left lost and defeated as Tyler drives off with no destination. When all is lost, Ethan accepts his fate through a coarse discussion between himself and the school Principal. With the worst ahead of him, he looks to the light weary of what’s to come.
The Coronado Island Film Festival (CIFF) welcomes makers and lovers of film from all over the world to the storied seaside village of Coronado, California to celebrate the magical art of visual storytelling. Coronado’s enduring love affair with Hollywood began more than a century ago.